What is Mattress Firmness and Why Does it Matter?

What is Mattress Firmness and Why Does it Matter?

Mattress firmness is an important factor when buying a mattress for a wide range of reasons. The right firmness level ensures that you feel comfortable, relaxed and promotes better sleep. 

These come with a variety of health benefits for you and your family. An appropriate firmness can alleviate or prevent conditions like back pain or pressure point discomfort. But it can be hard to know which level of firmness is right for you. 

At Factory Buys, we have a wide range of high-quality mattresses that come with many different materials and features. Keep reading to find out which mattress firmness is the best for you. 

Types of Mattresses


A plush mattress is a type of mattress known for its soft and cushioned feel. It is designed to provide a luxurious and comfortable sleeping surface where your body sinks into the material, and the mattress contours to your body shape over time. 

The key features of a plush mattress include:

Soft Comfort Layers 

Our plush mattresses have thick layers of materials like foam and latex padding for extra comfort. These layers conform to the shape of your body, providing a gentle cradling sensation as you sleep. 

Pressure Relief

The softness of our plush mattresses helps distribute your body weight evenly, reducing pressure on vulnerable points such as the shoulders and hips. This can be especially beneficial for side sleepers and back sleepers. 


Plush mattresses offer a luxurious and comfortable sleep experience. If you like the sinking sensation of your bed at night, this level of comfort is for you.  

Suitable for Lighter Sleepers

Plush mattresses are generally well-suited for lighter-sleeping individuals as they provide ample cushioning and support, reducing the feedback from the body. 


A soft mattress is a type of mattress that is designed to provide a very cushioned sleeping surface without the ‘sinking’ feeling of plush mattresses. The key features of our soft mattresses include:

Pressure Relief

The softness of these mattresses helps distribute body weight evenly, reducing pressure points and providing relief to areas like the lower back and shoulders. This can help with mild shoulder stiffness and back pain over time. 

Cosy and Comfortable

Soft mattresses are extremely relaxing and are easy for most people to get comfortable in. If you enjoy the sensation of being cushioned when falling asleep, a soft mattress will be the best for your sleeping habits. 

Great for Lightweight Sleepers

Soft mattresses are generally suitable for lighter individuals who may not enjoy sinking deeply into mattresses but still offer ample cushioning and support.


A medium-firm mattress is popular because it offers a balance of comfort and support, making them suitable for a wide range of sleepers. Here are some of the benefits associated with our medium-firm mattresses:

Spinal Alignment

Medium-firm mattresses provide the support needed for good spinal alignment for both back and side sleepers.

Pressure Relief

They are generally soft enough to offer pressure relief on the hips and shoulders, whilst being firm enough to support the tension of stiff areas of the body. 

Even Wear

A medium-firm mattress can distribute body weight more evenly, which may help the mattress last longer, especially if paired with a high-quality mattress protector.

Back Support

These mattresses are good for people who suffer from back pain, as they can offer a balanced level of support without being too hard on the spine.


Our firm mattresses offer many benefits in terms of comfort for certain types of sleepers who enjoy a high level of support. Here are some of the benefits associated with a firm mattress:

Spinal Alignment

A firm mattress helps maintain proper spinal alignment, especially for back and stomach sleepers, ensuring a neutral position and reducing the risk of back pain in the future. 

Lumbar Support

Firm mattresses can offer robust lower back support, which is beneficial for individuals suffering from back issues and injuries. 

Even Wear

The firmer structure of these mattresses distributes body weight more evenly across the surface, potentially leading to a longer lifespan for the mattress.

Muscle Relaxation

A firm sleeping surface can aid muscle relaxation by providing consistent support, thereby reducing the likelihood of waking up with aches and pains.

Suitable for Heavier Individuals

A firm mattress can also provide the necessary support for heavier people who might sink too much into softer mattresses.


Extra-firm mattresses are not for everyone, but they do offer specific benefits that can be advantageous for certain types of sleepers. Here are the advantages for those who enjoy the highest level of bedding support: 

Strongest Support

Extra-firm mattresses offer a high level of support, which is often beneficial for heavier individuals and those who suffer from back or muscle injury. 

Spinal Alignment

These mattresses can promote the best spinal alignment, particularly for back and stomach sleepers.

Reduced Sagging

There's less likelihood of sagging or creating pressure points, as the mattress offers uniform support for the entire body. 

Back Pain Relief

For some people, an extra-firm mattress can alleviate back pain by providing support along the entire length of the spine. 

Temperature Regulation

Firmer mattresses often have better air circulation compared to softer foam mattresses, which can make them cooler to sleep on in hot seasons. 

How to Choose the Right Mattress Firmness For You. 

Choosing the right mattress firmness for your specific needs offers several benefits to your sleeping habits: 

Personalised Comfort

Selecting your mattress firmness allows you to tailor it to your specific comfort preferences. You can choose a firmness level that feels most comfortable to you, whether you prefer a plush, medium, or firm feel.

Better Sleep Quality

When your mattress matches your comfort preferences, you're more likely to achieve deeper and more restful sleep. This can lead to improved overall sleep quality and increased daytime alertness.

Proper Spinal Alignment

The right firmness level helps maintain proper spinal alignment, which is essential for reducing back and neck pain. This ensures that your spine is in a neutral position, reducing the risk of discomfort and potentially helping with any injuries. 

Enhanced Durability 

By selecting the appropriate firmness, you can ensure that your mattress provides the right support for your body, potentially extending its longevity so that you can enjoy it for longer. 

Choosing your mattress firmness based on your individual comfort preferences, sleeping position, and specific needs can lead to better sleep quality. It can also improve spinal alignment, and overall enhanced comfort and satisfaction with your mattress. Shop our full range of mattresses today and enjoy free delivery on some of our collection. 

Contact us for more information and happy sleeping.
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